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Bible Studies
1 Timothy Introduction

Paul wrote three brief letters to two young men he had trained for ministry. The two letters to Timothy and the one to Titus are labelled Pastoral Epistles.

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1 Timothy the Character

It is important to understand the background if we are to comprehend the chapters and the verses and try to interpret the scriptures correctly. Our goal is to understand the scriptures and able to apply it in our daily lives

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1 Timothy 1v3-4 Stay with Doctrine

Paul, in his self-description, emphasized his credentials (apostle) and his authority (by the commandment of God).

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1 Timothy 1v5-11 Importance of Sound Doctrine

The purpose of ordering them to stop is to bring the church back to the proper result of “God’s work, based on faith v4,” namely, their loving one another.

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1 Timothy 1v12-14 Testimony of Gods Grace Upon Paul

Faithfulness is something very down-to-earth, and each of us can be faithful in the place God has placed us. Many people wait to be faithful. We tell ourselves, “I’ll be faithful when I’m in such and such a position.” That is incorrect.

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1 Timothy 1v15-17 Paul Testimony of Gods forgiveness

In our previous lesson, we focused on verse 12-14. We talked about the testimony of the Lord’s grace upon the life of Paul. You are welcome to check previous recording for more insight on the text.

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1 Timothy 1v18-20 Fight a Noble Fight

Today, let's open our Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter 1. We're going to be looking at an introduction to verses 18 to 20. Chapter 1, as you know if you've been with us, introduces this great epistle. And in verses 18 to 20, Paul sums up the introduction to the whole epistle,there is reference made to warfare

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1 Timothy 2v1-10 – Instructions for Public Worship

The detailed injunctions how the charge was to be carried out are introduced by the Greek particle oun, translated in our version by “therefore;” it may be paraphrased thus: “In pursuance of my great charge, I proceed by special details; in the first place, let prayers for all be offered by the congregation.”

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0009 Paul and Timothy Father Son Relationship
Lesson 01

A mentor is a person who can support, advise, and guide you. They typically take the time to get to know you and the challenges you’re facing and then use their understanding and personal experience to help you improve.

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00010 Paul and Timothy Mentorship Relationship
Lesson 02

Today we want to have a closer look to an Exploration of Paul as Loving Mentor to Timothy and the Application of This Relationship to Contemporary Leadership Challenges.

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00011 Paul and Timothy Mentorship Relationship
Lesson 03

Timothy was called by God to be a minister, serving as an example of what it means to be one of God’s workers, and reminding Timothy of his ministerial goals.

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00012 Paul and Timothy Mentorship Relationship
Lesson 04

Paul’s approach to mentoring Timothy was successful in developing Timothy into a ministerial leader. Though Paul practiced this mentoring approach during the period of the Early Church, the concepts embedded in his relationship with Timothy can serve as valuable guidelines for managing contemporary leadership challenges.

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00013 Paul and Timothy Mentorship Relationship
Lesson 05

Today as we close this series on Paul and Timothy mentorship relationship, let us look on how Paul capacitated Timothy for success.

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1 Timothy 2v8-12 – Man and Woman in the church

The role of men in leading prayer when the church gathers.

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I Timothy 2v13-15_Reasons for male authority In the church

Reasons for God’s recognition of male authority in the church. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.

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1 Timothy 3V1-7 Qoualifications of Elders

Qualifications for a Elder/Overseer/Bishop/Pastor.

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1 Timothy 3v8-13_Qualifications of Deacons

Qualifications for deacons.

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1 Timothy 3v14-16_Reasons for writing to Timothy

The mystery of godliness

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1 Timothy 4v1-6_Apostacy of last days

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.

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II Timothy 1v1-5_Greetings and Introduction

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus.

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