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Welcome Note

Welcome to Jesus Restoration Ministry Feel free to browse through every page and learn more about JRM.

You are encouraged to like JRM Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

We look forward to a lasting healthy relationship and partnership with you, again, welcome to JRM family.

You are welcome to contact JRM at any time, should you have any queries. You are welcome to correspond in isiZulu or English.

From your partner in ministry
Jesus Restoration Ministry
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Restoring people back to God.

To evangelize and win souls for Christ


Providing discipleship content

Offering practical interventions through projects

Founding Document


Jesus Restoration Ministry was founded in August 2023, after two years of prayer and meditation.

God has caused all things to work together for good.Jesus Restoration Ministry is called and commissioned to reach the unreached and create the space for the unchurched believers.

JRM believes in partnership and teamwork with other ministries who share the same beliefs and values. It is for this reason JRM serves and minister in partnership with other ministries.

JRM is not confined to church activities only. JRM operates beyond church denominational limitations.

Jesus Restoration Ministry should not be about positions and tittles. Positions and tittles are for creating order, not superiority in attitudes and service. Every JRM pastor, leader and partner must demonstrate an attitude of servanthood in all he or she does for the Lord.

It is critical for Jesus Restoration Ministry to be directed and guided by the written word of God as we read it from the Bible.

Jesus Christ is the only head and supreme authority of Jesus Restoration Ministry. Every JRM partner is expected to submit under the authority of God’s word as we read it from the Bible.

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